I have managed to steal some time to actually work on the initial 4th Subdivision layout, continuing the work on lighting and figuring out the valance, the framing border above the layout. In talking to my wife about my plan, I realized I did not know how to pronounce the word valance. Based on some research, it is simple; it rhymes with balance.
In the photo, the valance over Willow Junction is clamped in place. Before the final installation, I want to prime the back of the tempered hardboard so that it both reflects light better and is somewhat protected from changes in humidity. While the space between the layout and the valance is comfortable enough to access the track and rolling stock on the layout, I think that I should go ahead and paint the track before attaching the valance.
To get to the point that I could even clamp the valance in place, I needed to figure out a way to attach it. I came up with a way to mount a 2 X 2 to some of the roof rafters on the Willow Junction side. The hardboard then attaches to the trim stock at the end of Willow Junction (seen at the right in the photo.) From there it will hang below the collar ties and curve to the bottom of the "U" where it will attach to the board I had previously hung below the collar ties. I also decided that I needed to paint the collar ties in the layout area with the sky blue color with which the rest of the spray-foamed attic had been painted.
After masking the layout and backdrop with newspaper and then painting the collar ties, the next step was the lighting on the Willow Junction side. My original plan was to mount 1 X 2 boards along the rafters to attach the LED strip lights that I had purchased at the local big box store. After mounting the first of the 1 X 2 strips, I realized that the LEDs would be facing the back of the valance instead of facing down to the tracks and scenery. After considering ripping 2 X 2s at an angle to mount to the rafters with one side then facing down, I thought of another option. Why not just hang the original four foot LED shop light from the 1 X 2 I had mounted for the strip lights? Installing the hooks on the back of the 1 X 2 allowed for a reasonable positioning behind the future valance with the light shining down towards the modeled area. Completing this process, the lights are in place, and the various supports for the valance are also in place. I will prime the back of the "Masonite" and prep the track and airbrush it before the final instal of the valance.