Saturday, June 25, 2016

Progress on the To Do List

While I haven't posted anything in quite a while, I have made some progress on the layout. The benchwork is basically complete except the fold-up staging, the backdrops are up, and the wiring for the programming track has been figured out and started.

Willow Junction with backdrops up and
a view of the program track control switch.
During the first weeks of June, I finished the open grid table for the second side of the "U". With my wife's help, we moved it from the wood-shop in the barn up to the attic. As I am considering using David Popp's fold up staging idea from MRVP's Tar Branch, I used a sightly different design for the lower bracing on the legs. I am still not sure of my final design for the fold up staging. We will see how that works out. At any event, I finished the legs and installed the final piece of benchwork last week.

Willow Springs switching district benchwork up, leveled,
bolted together, and backboard installed.

I am trying to compensate somewhat for changes in temperature and humidity in the attic by priming the underside of the benchwork sections and the back of the tempered hardboard backdrops as they are installed. I still need to tape and mud the joints between sections of the hardboard before I prime and paint them.

Now that the benchwork is complete on the second side of the layout, I can mock up my track plan in place. I already have some questions and potential changes from my initial plan.

So, here is my "To Do" list from April with changes (or not) . . .

To Do:
  • Benchwork finalized and in place   Done, check it off!
  • Backdrops finalized: seams, primed, and blue
  • Workbench and materials organized   Ikea rolling cart put together and some materials organized, but still more boxes and clutter to deal with
  • Regular posting to the blog    Not so much, gotta work on that!
  • DCC components set up   Yes, but now replace with bus wires installed
  • East staging and a program track wired  Started, but I need to finish
  • Start work on rolling stock and loco roster and maintenance
  • Start some track work    Connection to East Staging and interchange will be the focus
  • Full size mock up of Willow Springs switching district 
  • Start a building or bridge    Started plans and construction for curved trestle, need to get back on this
  • Design the fascia and valence    Some ideas, but I need to firm up with cardboard templates. 
  • Along with valence, figure out the lighting